1) Countryside of Toma de León around sundown. I'll probably be working in this town, though it's more a 7 km country road dotted with houses than a traditional town.
2) Tub I hand wash my clothes in. On this particular day, the family lent it to me after slaughtering two ducks. As you can see from the blood sprayed all over the tub, it was somehow involved in the slaughter process.
3) Random spotted pig. Pigs are called chanchos, cerdos, or puercos down here. I prefer chancho.
4) My oldest and youngest host brothers, Jeisson (Jason) and Jeremy, respectively. The middle brother, José, is often called Chino because he has slanty eyes. He's not in the picture for lack of room on the motorcycle. I've seen motorcycles in my town with four grown men riding together. No joke. He's not in the photo because he was running around causing problems (as most 8 year old boys do) when the picture was taken.
5 & 6) Chancho (see #3) is what they call this boy. I met him and his friend Oso (bear), this past week in a small town called Zárate. He really wanted to ride my bike.
7) My host family from training at my training graduation ceremony. My sister, Madeleyne, and her parents, César and Felicia. The cultural norm is to look pissed off in all photos. I think they nailed it in this one.
8 & 9) Seagulls, dock, and beached boat on the beach near Paracas. I was doing a beach cleanup and snapped these photos along the way. Paracas is a touristy beach town, complete with a Marriott and Hilton, not far from where I live. Pisco, located just 10 minutes up the coast from Paracas, is its ugly, red-headed stepchild and where I go for things I can't find/buy in Independencia, like peanut butter, ATMs, and the post office.
10) Me, Peruvian kid, and condom on my shirt at an AIDs education talk for middle school kids.